Note to self: print_r statements are your friend

Debugging a Drupal theme this early morning and remembered that using a print_r statement can provide all of the variables in a debug format for you.

print_r(explode('/', $alias));

Configuring Spamassassin to show score for HAM on cPanel

Lately, I’ve been getting a storm of pesky junk mail on an account which is hosted on a dedicated WHM/cPanel server.

The WHM/cPanel server is a Centos 5 server with Exim mail server and Spamassassin anti-spam software installed and configured.

I went through the normal operation of staring at /var/log/maillog and /var/log/exim_rejectlog, as well as sending a test spam message to the server to make sure that the server was filtering spam properly and it seemed to be filtering messages ok. Read the rest of this entry »

User with 546 tabs open in Lotus Notes Client

I saw this posted on twitter this morning by @elfworld

“Just stopped by a user who had 546(!) open tabs in Lotus Notes. The client sill worked stable and without any protest”

Firefox sidebar RSS reader like Lotus Notes 8?

I’m wondering if anyone out there in the blogsphere knows a firefox plugin that will allow RSS results from various blogs to show up in the Firefox sidebar similar to how you can configure the Lotus Notes 8 client to do so.

I really love this feature about Lotus Notes 8, and when not using the client on a regular basis, miss the feature.

I find it too tedious to continue open a stand alone RSS reader, or view the RSS toolbar at the top of firefox, thus miss alot of good posts out there. If there was a sidebar, I could just open and leave open, I would be more susceptible to seeing content.

Two brilliant color scheme oriented websites

If you are doing any development work at all, the theming and UI process is extraordinarily important.

I’ve found two websites, which I’ve been using for various projects.

The first, and probably widely known is This has color combination schemes, many of which are contributed by the community (your fellow designers/developers).

The second, is called and it allows you to submit an individual color, and it will show you color matches and complimentary colors. It has extensive options and tools for the discerning designer.


I'm currently available
for Lotus Notes / Domino consulting engagements.


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