Posts Tagged ‘LDAP’

LDAP Schema woes

Today, I wanted to add a new field to our person document form in our directory for our internal VOIP telephone extensions. There are alot of people out there now using VOIP, but the problem is that our users don’t know what the extensions are for people in other sites/locations. If they would use the VOIP extension instead of dialing the long distance number, we could save alot of money.

I created a field called OnNet, refreshed the design of the NAB, populated the field with some actual data, and then went to test it out. Works great.

However, our corporate accessible directory is a web application on a Linux box that performs LDAP queries to Domino.

If I authenticated to LDAP, I could see all of the person document fields with a LDAP browser including OnNet and the data, but if I don’t authenticate, I can only see the domino fields (or LDAP attributes) that are specified in the * server configuration document. Read the rest of this entry »


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