Excellent Firefox productivity tip

I found this link on how to add gmail tasks to your firefox sidebar.

If you are using Gmail, google docs, google tasks, google calendar, or you use it just to synch between your devices and home computer I would highly recommend giving it a read.

Of course, you are all only using your Blackberry’s to get to your Lotus Domino mail file aren’t you…. (maybe not).

mdfind for terminal in OS X

Do you know that Mac OS X has a command line tool similar to spotlight?

try mdfind

It seems to work a little better than “locate”

I have to admit that I’m confused by Apple

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been confused by Apple’s code names for their operating systems.

Leopard, Tiger, Cheetah, Alley Cat, Tom Cat, and now Snow Leapord…

I always get confused as to which “dot” release is associated with which beast.

Will Snow Leapord be 10.6?

The wikipedia article on Apple OS X has a table which highlights which beast goes with what “dot” release, but I don’t want to visit it each time I forget.

What do you think about paying $29 USD for a “dot” release of the OS? Snow Leopard comes out at the end of the month, and I think they are pushing the envelop a bit.

One of the features listed on the Apple website is:

More reliable disk eject.

Snow Leopard improves the reliability of ejecting discs and external drives. Sometimes when an application or process is using the files on a drive, Mac OS X prevents you from ejecting it, but you don’t always know why. In Snow Leopard, you’ll get fewer of those errors and when you do get them, you’ll see exactly which application is using the drive, so you can quit it and eject the drive properly.

I guess I’ve just gotten spoiled with all the frequent free updates that I get from both MS and Apple that paying for one seems absurd.

8 months to go on the 6.5/7.0 crutch

A few days ago, EOS (End of Service) was released for Lotus Notes/Domino 7.0x

I think the real issue is that Lotus Notes 6.5 expires in only 8 months.

the 7.0x EOS breaks the crutch of the upgrading from 6.5.x to 7.0.4

If an organization knows that they HAVE to upgrade, then they won’t simply upgrade servers to 7.0.4 and live with any clients issues to minimize any problems or logistical issues and cost of upgrading to 8.5.

Now there is a more solid business reason for upgrading to 8.5 and getting away from the old code and old client once and for good.

How to repair SLOW Firefox after update to 3.5.x

I have been experiencing several slow web page loads within the past few days. It got to a point where it was driving me absolutely insane.

At first, I thought it was a Belkin N150 router that I bought. Mostly because the shop where I bought it at was selling it for a greatly discounted rate (even for the Wan Chai Computer Center in Hong Kong). Connecting directly to my DSL modem seemed fine, but connecting through the wired connection of the router would load certain items on certain web pages very slowly.

Then I found this post stating that I should switch to OpenDNS on both my router and my Mac OS X 10.5.7 Network settings. This seemed like a slight improvement.

Then I thought it was an update from Firefox 3.0.something to 3.5.1 and then a couple of days later to 3.5.2 because I started to realize that sometimes when opening a new tab that I would get a Server Not Found message occasionally and have to click re-load for the page to properly load. I also noticed when waiting for a page to load, I could not scroll down or scroll down on other tabs.

The main symptom was that I would see in the status bar that Firefox would be “waiting for ” Usually the host name that was being waited on was was an ad network server or image server.

Where I noticed most of the problem was loading facebook images in a user’s image gallery.

I think I have fixed the issue by following these instructions Read the rest of this entry »


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