Domino 6.5.x upgrade notes
This weekend, I’ve upgraded 30+ servers in 10 countries. It’s been an all weekend affair, and I spent a pretty good time organizing myself last week.
First, most of our servers were 6.5.6FP2, and we wanted to apply FP3, the DWA for Windows Vista java hotfix, and 6.5.6 FP3 HF29 which fixes the Out of Office agent (OOO is enabled even after user disables it).
We had 4 servers that were 6.5.4, 6.5.5, and 6.5.4FP2. These servers were the only servers that really gave me any problem.
I also wanted to upgrade TrendMicro OfficeScan from 2.6 to 3.0 (only about 4 servers needed this).
I only ran into a couple of gotchas. Here’s how I did it.
below are the steps I took on each server, including the trend micro install and AXSOne mail capturing software – which utilizes IQSuite for the actual capturing of the message from the mail.boxes.
When upgrading the R6.5.4 and 6.5.5 servers, when I ran the install, I got this error message that certain files could not be overwritten. With an error code of -115.
I could not rename the program directory and just do a fresh install of 6.5.6 for some reason, even after rebooting. I finally found a post on the Lotus 6 and 7 discussion forums where someone posted that you could rename a few .dll’s but not delete them. Here is that list. Once, I renamed them, I was able to perform the install ok.
These two files caused problems on 6.5.5
Here is IBM Technote 1106374
Not sure why I couldn’t delete them, but I seem to remember this issue from a very long time ago in a previous version of Domino (probably late R5 or early R6) once I stumbled upon this during the install.
The other thing that happened to me was that when I applied FP1, FP2, and FP3 on some servers that were just 6.5.6, I found that I had to set the Lotus Domino Server windows 2003 service to manual and reboot windows 2003 as file were still open, or in memory some how.
Once I rebooted, I was able to apply the Fix Packs ok.
I did have one particularly strange problem on one server where it got almost all the way through one of the Fix patch installs and then claimed that one of the files could not be overwritten.
I fixed this issue by making sure that the Windows 2003 service for Lotus Domino Server was set to manual, rebooting, then run the fix pack again. This gives you the ability to roll back to the previous fix pack version.
I ran that and then installed the fix pack again. It worked without problems after rebooting.
Lesson here: Before you perform any Lotus Domino 6.5.x upgrades, shut down your server, backup your program directories, set the service to start manually, reboot windows 2003, run your installs, perform a final reboot, and don’t forget to set the Lotus Domino Server to start automatically.
Copy source files from Hub2 to assigned server c:\sources\domino\, c:\sources\iqsuites\, c:\sources\SMD\ to c:\sources on destination server
Determine program directory and data directory This is important for backup of programs and fallback(restore) if needed.
Make sure that weekly maintenance has completed successfully
Set Lotus Domino Server service to manual Set the Lotus Domino server windows 2003 service to manual so that when we reboot the server, it will not start up automatically when we do not want it to.
1. Shut Down domino
2. Set Domino service to start manually.
3. Reboot Windows 2003
4. Rename x:\lotus\domino\data\log.nsf to x:\lotus\domino\data\july08log.nsf
5. copy domino program directory to c:\temp\july08lotus\
6. copy X:\lotus\domino\data\IQsuite folder to c:\temp\july08iqsuite\
Backup the IQsuite databases/templates so that if you have to re-install IQSuite, you can copy the databases and templates back after the re-install and will not have to re-configure or sign any database/templates/ACLs.
7. copy X:\lotus\domino\data\smd folder to c:\temp\july08smd\
backup the SMD databases/templates so that if you have to re-install SMD, you can copy the databases and templates back after the re-install and will not have to re-configure or sign any database/templates/ACLs.
8. run the c:\sources\domino656\packedfile\ executible
9. Reboot Windows 2003 after install is complete.
10. Start Domino manually after the restart to verify the domino 6.5.6 upgrade and see if any error messages occur.
11. Run the c:\sources\domino_656fp1\ executible.
12. Run the c:\sources\domino_656fp2\ executible
13. Run the c:\sources\domino_656fp3\ executible
14. Install the c:\sources\domino_656fp2_ dwahf
This is the DWA hotfix. Only these two files are needed as long as FP3 has already been applied.
Copy the files in that folder to these directories in the Domino server
dwagss.jar to X:\lotus\domino\data\domino\html
Forms6.nsf to X:\lotus\domino\data\iNotes”
15. run the c:\sources\domino_656fp3_hf29\ executible
This is the Out of Office agent hotfix.
16. Reboot Windows 2003 after install is complete.
Start Domino manually after the restart to verify the domino updates/patches and look to see if any error messages occur.
If IQSuite causes errors, you should re-install IQSutie. C:\sources\Iqsuite\setup_iQSuite10_2_2_1980_dom6.exe
After you perform the IQsuite install, you can copy backup IQsuite databases/templates copy c:\temp\july08iqsuites\ to XX:\lotus\domino\data\iqsuites\
17. Reboot Windows 2003 after IQSuite install is complete. Only if necessary
18. IF SMD causes errors, you should re-install TrendMicro ScanMail. C:\sources\Scanmail 3.0 Win\ c:\sources\ScanMail 3.0 Win\SMD 30\smd3-windows.exe
c:\sources\ScanMail 3.0 Win\SMD 30 Patch1\
c:\sources\ScanMail 3.0 Win\SMD 30 Patch2\
c:\sources\ScanMail 3.0 Win\SMD 30 Patch3\ (all 3 executibles).”
After you perform the SMD install, you can copy backup SMD databases/templates. copy c:\temp\july08smd\ to X:\lotus\domino\data\smd\
19. Reboot Windows 2003 after SMD install is complete. Only if necessary
20. Start Domino Windows 2003 service and set the service to start automatically.
21. Review the log.nsf to look for any obvious errors or problems.
Why don’t you upgrade 7.0.3? It’s fasten and reliable.
Fixpack are cumulative patch. You only need install FP3.
Thanks for listing all the steps in detail, but I’m confused about steps 11-13. Those install Fix Packs 1, 2 and 3 individually.
I thought that Fix Packs are cumulative so why install Fix Pack separately?