Archive for the ‘Administration’ Category

Server not found in Domino Directory

When working on some new partitioned servers today, I saw this on the console of all three servers.

06/18/2008 04:41:03 PM Router: Connection from server NOTESVN1/DOMAIN not used; Server not found in Domino Directory.
06/18/2008 04:41:03 PM Router: Connection from server NOTESVN1/DOMAIN not used; Server not found in Domino Directory.
06/18/2008 04:41:03 PM Router: Connection from server NOTESVN1/DOMAIN not used; Server not found in Domino Directory.
06/18/2008 04:41:03 PM Router: Connection from server NOTESVN1/DOMAIN not used; Server not found in Domino Directory.
06/18/2008 04:41:03 PM Router: Connection from server NOTESVN1/DOMAIN not used; Server not found in Domino Directory.

I couldn’t quite figure it out because the 3 partitioned servers I was building/working on had nothing to do with this new cluster that another team member had just built for our Vietnam office. Read the rest of this entry »

Great article on Domino R6 and R7 monitoring

Earlier today, I was searching for an old product that I used to use called Intelliwatch by a company called Candle.

Apparently, IBM has purchased this and re-branded it as “IBM Tivoli Intelliwatch Pinnacle.”

I found this great article posted on the Domino Power website about What’s new in R7 monitoring or DDM (Domino Domain Monitoring). It’s written about GSX Monitoring, which used to be a competitor of Candle Intelliwatch and theoretically is a competitor to the native R7 DDM.

It’s pretty interesting to see where the monitoring function has gone, and it’s got some nice reference links. It’s a little old, but it’s worth a read.

What’s really new with Domino Domain Monitoring?

My latest ideamjam idea

I haven’t figured out how to put an ideajam into my wordpress blog yet, so here’s is just the link:

Manual replication to all servers in the domain

Tip when “trace” doesn’t work

Administrators can use the Domino console command Trace when testing connectivity issues.

For our company this is a useful and frequently used tool. Not all of our sites are connected internally with fat, secure, reliable connectivity lines.

We often switch between Internet and MPLS and sometimes the lines go down.

When testing connectivity from one server to another, or to test connectivity after changing a connection document, you can use the trace command. Read the rest of this entry »

When to delete the local

We were getting a few strange sounding reports from a user who was trying to send email to 3 groups.

The first message was:
“A copy of this message was sent to 180 recipient(s), but the Internet format of this message was not sent to the following 34 recipient(s); , etc.”

The second message was:
“Document has invalid structure:”

We closed the client, deleted, opened the client, and let it re-create and all was fine.


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for Lotus Notes / Domino consulting engagements.


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