editor vs. manager in mail files: what are the implications

So I’m wondering what the implications are if you lower your user’s access in the mail files to editor instead of manager.

Here’s what I’ve come up with (not we are using OpenNTF 1.7b mail template on mostly 6.5.6FP2 servers with 6.5.x clients – http://www.openntf.org to get the template).

If they only have editor access:
1. Quick Stuff access does not work, because they cannot update the outline. Adding a user to Quick Stuff basically adds a name to the outline. They cannot update the outline because they don’t have designer access.
2. They cannot archive their mail file. I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing it has something to do with creating a new database.
3. They cannot delegate their mail file to other users. I’m guessing this is because to do so, you basically update the ACL in the mail file.

Any feedback on the above or other gotchas?

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